Mercury Retrogade Is Rocking

For those of us who follow the movement of the sky, using the stars and planets as our guides to navigating the waters of our lives here and now – whenever Mercury goes into retrograde, the immediate reaction is usually something along the lines of “here we go again”. Mercury, being the messenger god, becomes [...]

Full Moon In Capricorn- Embrace The Trance

There is a Full Moon in Capricorn on July 19. The Full Moon may bring to light where you have gone too far in one area. Have you been too focused on work at the expense of your personal needs? Have you been too occupied by your relationships and your work is suffering? What supports [...]

Dreaming Awake

This year I have taken on a new relationship- My First Novel. Spending precious moments with each character, delicately, yet fiercely sharing their truth. A walking contradiction of what makes us...unique. I am posting this brief image of my dear Delias the matter that some of you may be blinded by your fear- not [...]

Healing From a Karmic Relationship

Hey guys so lets get down to the nitty gritty. I myself have been experiencing this  change over the past year. An unhealthy language of love, that fed all my addictions and beliefs to pain. It has taken time, commitment, and lots of energy work to heal myself from this experience and embrace the lessons, [...]

Crystal Massage Healing Therapy

  Hello my beautiful earth angels, sending you a warm hug straight from this open heart ! So today Im ecstatic to announce a new modality I will be adding to my list of services. This healing method makes my heart dance knowing I am going to get to really spoil my clients with this [...]

Super New Moon In Aries

With the New Moon shifting into Aries as SUPER MOON, we are entering a new cycle of rebirth. Prepare to take the leap, you’ve procrastinated in taking ,for the past few months. With the intense stripping of last months Lunar Eclipse. We are now walking lighter, warmer, and more open to change. Have you felt a [...]

The Spiritual Practice Of Menstruation

Very useful information I found for you folks this morning. There is so much more to the menstrual cycle than the biology lesson given to explain it, in the same way that there is so much more to sex and childbirth than the mechanics. The menstrual cycle is a cycle to base your life around, in [...]

The Pursuit Of Happiness

The False Pursuit Of Happiness. I will not taint the concept we all know as “ The Pursuit Of Happiness” by stating it is a bad one. However this idea misleads often one too many of our egos. You see many individuals are driven by the lack of; love, financial independence, family, knowledge, and all [...]