10 Ways To Embrace Duality Today

10 ways I choose to embrace duality today: Studying daily is important. Learning lessons from others makes us smarter, makes us more aware of the world around us.Forgetting all the education, and having the guts to re-invent it all over again our own way, throwing all the knowledge and experience out of the window, makes [...]

Full Moon Ritual With Visionary Sagittarius in Full Motion

The moon, being the closest astronomical body to Earth, has a profound effect on us. It represents the feminine, emotional, creative and nurturing aspects of our lives. One complete cycle of the moon takes exactly 28 days to complete, radiating her energy to us in cycles of waxing and waning, bringing in and releasing, ebbing [...]

Done Pretending- and Everything will change. ..why I create the tears in the death of what was, and birth of what is.

I often use my blog for educational purposes. Educating others in what has served me, what I feel I can share to support your vision in any way possible. Vulnerability is something I have been actively practicing to overcome, but Im not here to tell you that am I? Nope, the truth is I just [...]

Silence the insecurities about your goals!

Hello out there. If you're reading this well then Im assuming you are a brilliant brother , or sister I have out there in this Universe also trailing through the interesting world of entrepreneurship. The magic, and oh the fuckery. The fuckery of that voice in our head that sometimes comes along blasting its opinion- which [...]

Respect Your Souls Life Mission

  Dissatisfaction with ones life is something often seen. If this statement triggers any physical or emotional reactions within you then I ask you to pay attention. To yourself. If you are not living n sync to your souls purpose you will continue to feel isolated, incomplete, yearning, and dissatisfied. Upon coming into this life, [...]